YouBike-Douli Visitor Center


Completion Year: 2014

Status: Taitung

The last pure land in Taiwan-Tai-Tung


No matter the emotional or intellectual human ecology, Tai-Tung has its unique view. With a wealth of indigenous, prehistoric culture, weaving together a charming elegance east coast. According to these factors, we divided this exhibition into three parts: The earth areas, Marine areas and the Sky area, as well as a digital stars cinema.


東海岸國家風景區管理處的遊客中心,定位上是給遊客一個全新的角度來了解花東海岸,帶點教育但不冗長乏味,遊戲化取代傳統的展覽陳設,互動的多媒體科技增添趣味性與國際性視野,動態與靜態的展示結合就像這片東海岸,看似平靜卻處處富有生機,同時也是台灣首次大量將電腦參數式設計方法導入室內設計,將大地、海洋及天空以大尺度折板系統(folded plate system)來賦予空間戲劇性的張力。

Visitors Center of East Coast National Scenic Area Administration is to give the visitors a new perspective to understand East Coast. Educational but not tedious, replacing the traditional exhibition with the game of interactive multimedia technology. Not only provides fun and joy but also enhance the vision of international. It is the first time to import a large number of computer parametric design method to design an inner space as well. Using the flap system (folded plate system) to give the earth, the sea and the sky a dramatic tension.

The new tour experience



The new tour experience

Bike has been a popular energy saving campaign recently, we import a bike movement inside the interior space, converts this visitor center to a BICYCLE-FRIENDLY showroom. It is also the first exhibition that allow the bike to ride around.

CAD/CAM system



The case is a government’s bid. In accordance with the government “minimum price” principle, it was very difficult to finish the engineering work of the exhibition hall in time. Under limited budget and time, we applied CAD/CAM system in the process of design and construction. Differed from the past, parametric design process was fully utilized from scratch to construction drawing in this project and successfully completed it within the time frame.