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【 竹工凡木 x TID Award 】

竹工凡木的作品「質感風格形塑-一個設計強化的品牌轉型方案」榮獲今年2019 TID 空間裝飾藝術類獎,感謝TID評審們的認可與我們的業主在此次品牌轉型合作給予我們極大的信任完成此次的合作,也非常感謝竹工夥伴的努力,謝謝大家持續的支持。

“Quality Styling - A Brand Transformation Solution Strengthened by Design” had awarded for The TID Award of Art & Decoration. The TID award plays a great importance in the Asia even to worldwide. We are very grateful to receive this award and also thankful ours client, Nature Timber Flooring, who trust us completely, and made this major challenge collaboration so well. So appreciate for your continuous support.

Award|上海陳宅 榮獲2019 TID空間類獎
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