OEZER Window Product Design 歐哲門窗產品設計



The Evolutional Development of Windows – Diversity Echoing Zeitgeist



Windows, as the essential components in any built object serving as the transitional domain between the interior and the exterior spaces, have seen undergone a long history of evolution. Ever since the Roman time, as the then architecture limited by conventional structural and material constraints, the dynamic arch principle was adopted to address the loadbearing issue in building design, which in turn gave rise to a particular window opening style of top-narrow and bottom-wide design. In recent years, architects have revolutionized the formal design of windows through material improvements and the relevant technological breakthrough. Subsequently, the Modernism column-beam structure replaced the conventional load-bearing wall system which has rendered the styling and dimension of the windows to develop standardization, and the emphasis on safety, diverse design, and systemization in the presentation. Nowadays, in meeting the demand of the era of mega-data, different users and their living style mean that windows are no longer conventional building components but an extended articulation of our living style, so through considerations of different usage scenarios, there come even more possibilities. Over the last thousands of years, the evolution of the windows evolved per physics principles from arch windows, load-bearing walls, to column and post system, before developing into a free-wall system, a life-style articulation beyond the functional usage.


Not just windows – From object design to spatial design


The new style windows design aims at addressing environmental needs and the simple contemporary living, as the design specifically integrates handles and aluminum frames as part of the window components for visual consistency and simplicity. As window handle serves its function during the window opening and closing, the handles would be stored within the obtrusive framing through sensory design so that the window would serve as a canvas frame, and when needed, would pop up when activated by sensor design. Furthermore, the window also features a retractable lamp rack and table-top accessory design to enable the window-side space to become a relaxing and reading corner without affecting access. Besides, through the combinations of accessories of different colors, it allows users to customize to his or her personalized styles such that it becomes a continuation of perceptions and experiences in creating more minimalist, multi-color, and not so readily reproducible characteristics by reinforcing product diversity and uniqueness, as windows and doors are not merely architectural objects but the ambiance-shaping elements.


Less is More – Minimalist Aesthetics Synergized with Multi-purpose Functional Design

當代設計強調多元思維與跨域合作,透過設計賦予門窗符合時代使用需求的內涵,將摺疊窗燈、隱藏把手、伸縮檯面三種不同功能整合於一體,創造出一種有別於傳統的門窗新物種。多樣化的功能除了為門窗創造不同的使用方式,延展過去僅作為通風、採光、出入進出的介面,營造得以讓使用者長時間停駐的條件之外,也藉由整合性設計,將不同功能的設備物件合而為一,化繁為簡的設計打造時尚、簡約的造型,極簡美學的外型(少)與多元的使用功能(多)雙重特質,以具體的門窗設計回應少即是多(Less is More)的品牌理念。

As the contemporary design emphasizes diverse design discourse and cross-disciplinary collaboration, window design is to meet the usage need in modern living as the foldable lamp, hidden handle and retractable table-top are integrated into one to create a new-type window design. Multiple functions do not just create different usage patterns for windows, which no longer serves as the medium for ventilation, natural lighting, and circulation access, but becomes an alcove element for users to linger, and with such minimal design, it integrates various functional components to generate a design of fashionable and minimalist exterior (Less) and multi-function (More) articulating the brand core values of “Less is More”.