ASHEPOLO 2020 Guangzhou Design Week 2020廣州設計週愛仕堡展位


Completion Year: 2020

Location: Guangzhou


Beyond functionality: A door echoing the aesthetics and life

ASHEPOLO 愛仕堡為中國入戶門領域首屈一指的領導品牌,因應時代需求與價值認知的轉變,過去入戶門產品著重安全性、功能與性能的思維,近來亦開始重視產品在設計美學的特長,並關注形而上的生活方式。由傳統工藝走向未來創意,ASHEPOLO 愛仕堡認知到入戶門不應只有功能面及安全面的取向,而被賦予一種品味、一種生活方式與價值態度的表徵,而這樣的價值轉化,在 DRD 設計研究院的商業調研與竹工凡木團隊的設計執行協力下,在廣州設計周具體呈現。

ASHEPOLO, a leading brand in the door manufacturing industry in China, has responded to the changing perception of the times and values. Apart from the previous thinking of safety, functionality, and performance, ASHEPOLO begins to optimize door products emphasizing design aesthetics and exploring the essence of life. From traditional craftsmanship to modern creativity, ASHEPOLO realizes that doors should be not only made with the aspect of functionality and safety, but also be addressed with the notion of living taste, lifestyle, and attitude. ASHEPOLP exhibition concretely presented such values transformation was concretely presented in Guangzhou Design Week 2020 under the cooperation of market research by DRD (Design Research Desire) and the design execution of CHU-Studio.


Between the square and circle: A concept store of fast fashion trend


CHU-Studio carried out the space planning under three main characteristics: Circle, Setback, and Concept Store. The site is located at the intersection of two main circulations with three sides exposed to the aisles. The design team set up the circular floor plan with double entrances to create a welcome space to walk through readily and ease the flow during the exhibit. The circular floor plan also made setbacks from four corners of the square base to accommodate even more visitors. Meanwhile, the CMF design and lighting were all implemented under delicate considerations to ensure the idea of a “Trendy Concept Store”, which echoes its glamorous young appearance.


Thinking of product design: Motivated by lifestyle exploration

展場以四根具結構功能的圓柱支撐,強化玻璃介面內為大型展櫃,分別展示「藝術」與「運動」兩種不同生活方式下的四款設計師入戶門。事實上,團隊除了操刀空間規畫,也設計了展間內四款全新的入戶門,由時下年輕族群的需求找靈感,透過調研發現當今主力的 Y、Z 世代追求的並非風格本身,而是一種自我態度的彰顯,而這種態度最常表現在對潮流藝術的品味與輕運動的喜好上。品味藝術系列強調對紋理的重視,以皮革呈現的拉手,讓使用者可依個人喜好選配色澤、紋理與粗細質地,表面處理也有不同材質、觸感的編織毯與珍珠白噴漆,讓門板也能有細緻的肌理變化。輕運動系列以曲線的動態線條相互交織,在表面Z軸上呈現高低起伏,形成具有韻律感的動態變化,藏青藍為底的色彩應用,結合金屬線條的七彩色澤,展現出豐富的律動節奏。

The overall structure supported four tempered-glass columns, which display four designer’s collections in two different series- Artistic Series and Sporty Series. Inspired by generation Y and Z, who pursue their attitudes, the team also developed the Artistic Series and Sporty Series of door products to reflect this phenomenon. Emphasizing the texture of material, the Artistic Series enables buyers to customize their unique doors with leather handles and door panels in pearl-white painted or fabric covering. On the other hand, the Sporty Series forms a dynamic rhythm created by the up-and-down curvature moving on the Z-axis. With aluminum decorations on the satin-finished navy-blue panel, users would experience rich movement and rhythm through the metallic and colored lines.