Nature Pop-up Store 大自然木地板快閃店展位設計


Completion Year: 2018

Location: Guangzhou

Re-Construction of Brand Spirit – Design-Oriented Brand Transformation


In the past, Nature Timber Flooring was a renowned brand for selling rare timber and high-quality timber flooring, simply due to the reduction in rare timber in recent years, and the development needs of modern era. In order to assist in the Nature Timber Flooring in the overall brand transformation, there were four phases developed from the consolidation of corporate images and stories, the formulation of spatial design strategy (pop-up stores), the development of differentiated products, to the establishment of design sales system and channels, so as to allow Nature Timber Flooring successfully engaged in the completed transformation of the traditional building materials manufacturing and sales.

New Business Model – Introduction of Pop-Up Stores to Established Guided Composite Shopping Experiences

在產品開發部分,我們透過「詩意韶華」系列的木地板產品,以丈青藍、棕灰調為主色,搭配細長平行四邊形的切割,以非對稱的形式交織組構並植入黃銅構件,設計出五款色彩、排列、搭配方式迥異,同時帶有文青質感的系列產品。配合「詩意韶華」系列的產品定位,因地制宜與便利性成為本次專區的設計主軸,考量主要客群需求與產品定位以新世代族群為主,我們以「快閃店」(pop-up store)為主要設計概念,跳脫傳統專賣店的既定印象,此專區可在任何時間、地點機動性地出現,並透過幾種不同的設計類型,讓模組系列有了韌性,能快速、因地制宜的縮放與延展,以順應不同區位的地域性與生活差異。

In terms of product development, through “Poetic Glamor” Timber Flooring series products, with indigo and brown grey as main theme colors, complemented by special cut and asymmetrical format with embedded brass pieces in producing 5 styles of color, configuration and combination products with youthful quality. In complementation of “Poetic Glamor” Series Product positioning, location-driven and convenience became the design thematic elements of this exclusive area, considering the target customer segment needs and product positioning, pop-up stores were deployed to meet market demands anytime and anywhere while also allowing the modulated series to be strategic in adapting to differentiations in locality and living styles.


The design of the software and hardware of the display area not only contains the sense of new youth culture, but the design texture also guided the relationship between history and culture. The large-scale multimedia touch-screen was made to be displayed on the wall, so that the soft and light image of the slanting willows of the window sill was vividly displayed, in forming a balance between dynamic and the static. In addition to the five different designs of "Poetic Glamor" series, which were presented in different ways, such as floor, wall, ceiling and painting, a series of exclusive furniture were designed, such as single-piece chair, tea table, floor lamp, Clothing Rack, and other items, placed in the special area to create a quiet and relaxed new retail spatial experience. When consumers were in the midst of such setup, they can clearly feel the sense of living in the same space with products and home crafts, as well as bringing the humanities into the commercial world. More elevated levels of humanity eventually form a whole from space of a cultural domain with silent shopping guide and a enriched sensory experience.

Re-Interpretation of Spatial Vocabulary – A Dialogue between the Permanent Architecture and Pop-Up Stores


The spatial design concept was based on this series of teahouses in Haining, Zhejiang Province, called “Tea Aroma, Essence”, Haining used to be a city where the Poet Z.M. Hsu lived for a long time, and in recent years, as the local government has held an international architectural competition, with ten architects invited from all over the world to work on ten independent architectural spaces, and Haining Tea Room is one of them that the design team worked on. Each tea room composed of three separate sections that are intertwined with one another with five tea rooms imbued with different time axes, as well as sense of theater stage, subtly suggesting the fusion of tea-tasting and theater experiences, in a semi-outdoor space setting, embodied with the memories of the Poet Hsu, which include the traditional architectural elements of sculpted window grilles, representing a dialogue between the architecture and the pop-up store, where the Nature brand was elevated from a building material manufacturer to a designer of living styles.