bilibili World 2020 2020Bilibili廣州展好好住展位


Completion Year: 2020

Location: Guangzhou


bilibili – A voice platform for new lifestyle

來自中國大陸的bilibili(嗶哩嗶哩彈幕網,簡稱b站),是早期推動ACG內容起家並逐漸發展茁壯的彈幕影片分享網站,近來已是華人圈年輕族群重要的線上聚集地,可謂新世代表達自我的線上虛擬舞台。2020年底, bilibili 在廣州舉辦首次大型線下嘉年華展會活動《bilibili World2020》,邀請本團隊參與此次策展,並以「未來生活方式」為主旨設計場館。主題館以「Mountain Toys」、「Unbox Chunk」、「SML玩具房間」三大玩具品牌為核心,結合它們IP中蘊含的中國大陸、香港與韓國,三地迥異的潮流文化元素,共同創造、勾勒出未來年輕人的生活模樣,透過展會空間規劃揭示 bilibili 由一個以動漫爲主的平台,轉向成為新生活方式的發聲窗口。

bilibili, also called b-Station, started up by promoting ACG, and gradually developed into a bullet-screen (Danmu) video-sharing website, which recently became one of the most significant online gatherings for young Asians. It is also a self-expressed online virtual stage in the new generation. At the end of 2020, bilibili held up its first sizeable offline carnival event called < bilibili World2020 >. Our team was also invited to participate in the event and design with the theme named “Future Living Style.”

The theme pavilion is comprised of three toy brands, including “Mountain Toys,” “Unbox Chunk,” and” SML Toy Room.” By Emerging the elements of local trendy culture (in China, Hong Kong, and Korea) with the essences extracted from the IPs mentioned above, the design team sketched out the future profile of the young lifestyle. Meanwhile, bilibili successfully transformed the central animation platform into an uttering window for a new lifestyle.


Blind Box – Anticipate surroundings with unpredictability

本次展會設計以「盲盒」為主要概念,盲盒是一種內含設計師玩具、動漫或影視周邊商品的盒裝玩具,購買者須在拆開包裝後才知道內容物為何。作為近年時下年輕人流行的二次元 (Two dimensions) 社交娛樂,盲盒的有趣之處在於其不可預期性,每次購買都有「不知會抽到哪一隻」的驚喜,驚喜過後,這些愛好者再以抽到的IP和其他朋友、同好交換,進而達到社交目的。盲盒獨有的「驚喜感」來自於潮流玩具本身,以及後續玩家players間諸如收藏、交流等互動,形成不可預期的人際網絡。而本次展場以盲盒為發想概念,透過設計串聯展會、生活與二次元文化,以空間建構交流的契機。希冀在當前急促的都會生活中重塑人們對「家」的期待,打造一個每日生活中都有如打開盲盒般不同驚喜的場域。

This exhibit design aims to achieve the main concept of “Blind Box,” which may have related products of designer’s toys, animations, and movies inside the toy box. Purchasers need to tear off the packaging to know what’s in the box. Nowadays, the young gather blind boxes to pursue unexpected Two dimensions of satisfaction in an entertaining social context. The notion of “Don’t know which one to get” motivates them to get another one (IP), exchange with other friends or end up reaching the goal of social interaction

The unique "surprise" of the blind box comes from the designer toy itself and the latter interactions between players and collectors, which form unpredictable human connections. The exhibit design developed from the concept of “Blind Box” links the site, living, and Post-Dimensions together to make space opportunities to interact. Our team tries to reconstruct human’s anticipation of “home” in rapid metropolitan life, and build a surprising field with everyday experiences as if we opened the “Blind Box”.


Future Home – Personalized living of Post-Dimensions

有別於傳統展會以展示物件為目的,這次團隊以「當代的新生活方式」為主題,藉由大量家具、軟裝的鋪墊營造,加上三個相異品牌的潮流公仔擺置應用,組合出未來後次元時代之下的住居生活場景。若以設計角度思考,未來的流行將不再以裝飾風格為導向,而側重在如何呈現不同的個性化生活方式,這樣的概念之下,團隊以數個盒子交疊組構出室內展廳,室外部分則最大化地預留公共空間,作為年輕世代可發聲的獨特舞台。三天展會期間針對二次元的三個不同階段主題-以動漫為核心的二次元 (Two dimensions) 1.0、以藝術為核心的二次元 (Two dimensions) 2.0,以及強調後次元生活的二次元 (Two dimensions) 3.0,舉辦各種交流演講、線下活動與現場調研。這個整合個性化居家空間、潮玩發展史及潮流玩具展示的設計場域內,體現線上連結線下的一體化思維,進而回應未來生活的發展趨勢。


The main goal of the traditional exhibit space is to display items. Instead, our team takes“Modern New Living Style”as the theme , and build up the appearance of living space in Post-Dimensions Time with a large amount of furniture, interior decorations, and IPs Display from three different brands. From design perspectives, decoration style is not in the mainstream; however, emphasizing how to present different ways of personalized living styles is more important. In addition, we plie up a few boxes to construct interior exhibit space, and leave maximal room for the outer part of public space to create a unique uttering stage for the young age.

The three-day exhibition is divided into three different stages, including animation-driven Two dimensions (1.0), art-driven Two dimensions (2.0), and Post-Dimensions-driven Two dimensions (3.0). A variety of lectures, offline events, and site investigations took place in the space. This designed field not only integrated personalized home space, designer toy history and display, but also unified online and offline to adapt to the developing trend of future living.